Re: [DIYbio] Is it legal to reproduce an electrospray device?

On Wednesday, April 4, 2012 12:47:17 PM UTC-5, phillyj wrote:

On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 4:28 AM, Cathal Garvey <> wrote:
> Anyone out there know enough biochemistry to suggest a way of safely polymerising health-store bought lysine to make polylysine?
From Japan: Food-grade PolyLysine Preservative $13/5g (Postage included?)

Not sure about the quality, etc.

I don't want to say that epsilon-poly-lysine won't work, but I know the attachment protocols I've read and used worked with alpha-poly-lysine. I know poly-ornithine and poly-arginine can be used to largely the same effect as poly-lysine. I would assume that random polypeptides would work to a modest degree. I'm sure some textbook or paper somewhere has a table of surface modifiers that have been tried and their respective effectiveness, but I don't (know that I) own it.

(I think that) Lysine will be relatively hard to polymerize cheaply/safely/easily de novo as it has two primary amines of similar reactivity. That is, when a-poly-lysine is produced in vitro, lysine precursors that have protected epsilon amines are used. I will say that the coatings I've done, 100 mg is A LOT of poly-lysine and a good portion of that (90%) is used to bias the equillibrium and drive the reaction rather than actually reacting.

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