[DIYbio] Re: query from PBS NewsHour

Mac and I did a PBS Newshour interview back in 2008:


It was an odd interview that went something like this:

Interviewer: What is DIYbio?
Mac and Jason: We are people who want to roll-up our sleeves and do biology as a hobby, etc...
Interviewer: How is it regulated?
...Then 45 minute Q&A on safety.

The interview was over and I was like, "hey, you never asked us what we are working on?"  At the time, Mac was running sessions building DIY set-ups for DNA extraction from strawberries and running gels w/ 9V batteries.  I was working on swabbing crosswalk buttons to see what microbes lived there...


I'm afraid of feeding the hype machine that has been bult up around this, which seems like how this is being positioned.

I'd be curious to hear from the mailing list:

(1) Is anyone actually doing DIY work on synthetic biology?  What makes it DIY (e.g. taking place in a community lab)?  What makes it synbio (and not just biology or molecular biology)?

(2) So far, I think the community has shown tremendous innovative capacity around low-cost tools/devices like dremelfuge, gogo-fuge, open pcr.  It is unclear to me whether the community (or which parts of it) will be a fountain of innovation in synbio anytime soon.  


On Friday, March 30, 2012 2:09:05 PM UTC-7, Bryan Bishop wrote:

From: Lee Koromvokis <lkoromvokis@newshour.org>
Date: Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 3:44 PM
Subject: [diybio-boston] query from PBS NewsHour
To: "diybio-boston@googlegroups.com" <diybio-boston@googlegroups.com>


I am a producer for the PBS NewsHour.  Correspondent Paul Solman and I are looking to interview a group of bio hackers--and also hopefully see some bio hacking!--for a story we are doing about the potential benefits and risks of synthetic biology. (Actually, it is part of a larger story about all the scientific and technological breakthroughs that could happen sooner than most people realize because of Moore's Law and DIY innovators). Anyone interested?

Lee Koromvokis | Producer, PBS NewsHour 

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- Bryan
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