Re: [DIYbio] Bioluminescent yogurt (Again!)

Hello Nathan and Elegans,

Thanks a lot for  your input. I would like to follow you guys on twitter, could you please leave your twitter id?


On Wednesday, 4 April 2012 03:45:16 UTC+8, elegans wrote:
Hi again Nathan, 

Briefly: K. lactis is a yeast, not bacteria. Homologous recombination is easy in yeast, you can transform directly with PCR product and do not require viruses. As far as I recall, you can only hope to obtain pt mutations in bacteria using this procedure directly... feel free to try it in yogurt yeast though. Think about it. If you could just PCR amplify anything and put it into bacteria without having to worry about cloning plasmids, then why isn't everyone doing it?


On Tuesday, April 3, 2012 1:03:56 AM UTC-6, Nathan McCorkle wrote:

not sure why you keep mentioning the requirement of viruses... clearly
NEB is making $ and happy customers with their virus-free kit to
transform K. lactis with linear DNA via homologous recombination:

Nathan McCorkle
Rochester Institute of Technology
College of Science, Biotechnology/Bioinformatics

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