Re: [DIYbio] DIYbio and Bioethics {entering soft-science}

Hello Jeswin,

I occasionally spend time on working through bioethics issues, mostly
centered around privacy, civil rights, intellectual property &
biopiracy, epistemology, and the problematic concept of "naturalness"
in certain types of arguments against genetic engineering.
I don't write on it much, though - not enough hours in a day.

If you're interested in this, you may like (or already know?) the book
"Tactical Biopolitics" for a start.

More generally: do you already know what particularly interests you in
the area of bioethics?

On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 3:21 PM, Jeswin <> wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone is a hobbyist philosopher(or related, not
> sure the name) who is studying Bioethics (the whole field rather than
> DIYbio only). Why should DIYbio be confined to "hard" science like
> labwork or in-silico? Is anyone, as a hobby, thinking and writing on
> morals and ethics in biology and other science fields?
> ***Sorry if my words are not well-chosen, e.g. "soft-science",
> "confined", etc. I hope my point is understandable.
> --
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