Re: [DIYbio] Re: Need a UV light source, any designs for deuterium/xenon bulb power supplies out there?

A few days ago I was checking out 260nm deep UV light sources for the purpose of being able to do OD260 for measuring only DNA concentration.  

These seemed like the best sources because they were small, and you could incorporate them + a cuvette + some circuit into a relatively small space I'd assume, like the size of a tupperware box or so.  But, dang they are expensive.  I guess in a high enough order # they could drop though, I think if we buy 1,000,000 units we can get them for $12 a piece, commence the fundraising! I also think I saw they were plagued with a relatively short lifespan, but I forgot how long  (has price listed-seems to be cheapest)  (no price that I can see listed, but nice data sheets showing lens type difference in focus length and area etc down towards bottom of the data sheet)


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