Re: [DIYbio] Re: [diybio] goodiybio

wow, you guys are fast!

Cathal and Marc are right, couple of months ago I contacted a number of people to check whether they would be interested in a competition style meetup. Cathal also posted an announcement about it at that time. There were so many people enthusiastic that we decided to launch a small website a couple of days ago to have something to show to potential supporters. I did not expect you to pick it up straight away :) 

Basically we are now setting up an event during a festival in Amsterdam, which will hopefully kick start the competition. We thought the festival suits DIYBio perfectly, since the festival is about "The Rise of New Ownership: the shift from top down to bottom up". So, focusing on how connected technology is empowering people to drive change on a personal, business and global scale

The outlines of GOODIY Bio, such as described on the current website are not final. I didn't have time to install a wiki yet, or perhaps create a name space somewhere. So for now, if you would like to contribute to the concept or idea, please feel free to share your thoughts here. 

Just before the national holiday we were brainstorming about a cool logo, any help from anyone who's talented in that would be much appreciated too!

On Tuesday, 1 May 2012 10:38:26 UTC+2, Marc Dusseiller wrote:
yeah, give them a chance...

as cathal mentioned, see it as a chance to meet and create a larger community/audience for amateurs!

they have been contacting a bunch of people a few months ago, asking about our opinions if they host/organize such an event. it seems they are a highly professional organisation, doing various networking events and conferences, with commercial sponsors and the goal of increased awareness of science in society. they are partly a for-profit organisation, but i was happy to hear to what extent they have been asking around earlier in the community to heat about our oppinions. if some of you guys felt left out.. dont worry, you'll get an invitation anyway :-)

looking at an earlier draft they sent around, i am a bit sad they kicked out the sections on ethics, education, games and art from the core of the competition... but we'll see.

and of course the reason there is no detailed info or past projects... they are doing it the first time on go big directly. and launched the website only a few days ago. i guess more will come soon.


On Tuesday, May 1, 2012 8:57:00 AM UTC+2, Cathal wrote:
Bit harsh! I know Pieter, and he's a good guy.
The aim isn't to grab attention, it's to create a self-initiated event
for EU biohacking. That is, an excuse for us to meet and host an
iGEM-like jamboree, except for the broader field of DIYbio and not just
DIY-synbio (especially as DIY-synbio has stifling legal barriers in the EU).

It beats waiting for someone else to host such an event and crashing it
in the name of DIY!

On 01/05/12 00:55, Bryan Bishop wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 6:47 PM, Romie Littrell <> wrote:
>> This looks interesting. might be a good project for the new space.
> not sure who those guys are ...
> frank zwetsloot
> jan nieuwenhuizen
> pieter van boheemen
> annnd... no location, no prizes, no past projects, basically it's them
> grabbing for media/attention. What does this contribute? Color me
> skeptical.
> - Bryan
> 1 512 203 0507

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