In the parts registry some parts are labelled with a star, indicating some people liked working with it. If you are lucky they added some text on the "experience" page of that part.
The registry itself is quite awefull in terms of searching and navigating. I feel that I more user-friendly interface would already increase the value of the database. A list of "top biobricks" should be a default feature.
The lack of documentation is the main reason why you hardly see any parts being reused in the next years competition.
Whenever you like to get a biobrick for DIY usage, you might aswell contact the designers of the brick instead of the registry.
On Saturday, 26 May 2012 03:26:37 UTC+2, Fernando Lindenberg wrote:
-- On Saturday, 26 May 2012 03:26:37 UTC+2, Fernando Lindenberg wrote:
Hi guys, I have some questions.1. Is it possible to get Biobricks from the Registry of Standard parts to use in a DIYbio lab?2. On lab reagents label it always says "Only for research use", using it at home or at a community lab would be a research use?3. Are there any rules for doing DIYbio?Sorry if these topics have been covered.Thanks =)
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