[DIYbio] Re: Genome Compiler

Hi Connor, I don't trash synbiota so don't trash us :-)

Just to let people know - we both came out of Singularity university (at least synbiota CEO did) - we learned from the same people there (sprize is very much taken from peter diamandis book, both have Andrew Hessel visions in mind).

I don't want to get into the religious wars between open/close free/paid software - enough to say we share the same goals of making the best tools in this field. We took different paths and we both play at our strength (like synbiota taken their weakness in fundraising and making it a strength in open source development, while we pay great people to develop). 

I say let the best program win - I do hope to work with synbiota in the future and I see we might have synergy between us. Who knows where this field us going and if a company could sustain itself at all? We believe and hope so but the road is long and uncertain. I rather have us work together then fight with each other.

As for Genome Compiler - I started this because I was pissed off no one have built a good genetic engineering software platform yet. As long as I still feel this way (I still do - even we only started and have much to go) - I will continue with my company work. I want to produce very high level product, stable, beautiful, useful and with amazing costumer support. We raised money to do so and try to be a sustainable company to we could support and build the software indefinitely. 

On Wednesday, June 27, 2012 8:27:16 PM UTC+3, Connor Dickie wrote:
For those who are interested in an accessible, cross-platform DNA design tool, Synbiota's GENtle is worth checking out at http://synbiota.com - it's an Open Source HTML5/Javascript web-based app that works right in your browser, even on a tablet. No need to install or update. It's just a web-link away like Google or Wikipedia ;-)

Like GenomeCompiler, there's a lot still to be added in terms of functionality, but it is already useful and is being used by a number of iGEM teams, DIYBio groups and University labs around the globe.

Unlike GenomeCompiler, GENtle is built on web-standards and is open source (released under the Mozilla Public License 2.0). There is an active development community at GitHub (https://github.com/Synbiota/GENtle2) where anyone can get involved to help build out features.

Just yesterday we announced the "SPrize" - a competition to incentivize the development of open source plug-ins for GENtle. Cash awards and global bragging rights are at stake!

Check it out at:

And feel free to contact me directly at connor@synbiota.com or +1 (416) 450-9519 if you have any questions, comments or concerns. Kudos are also welcome ;-)


Connor Dickie

Co-Founder of Synbiota
Mozilla WebFWD Fellow

On Friday, June 1, 2012 4:49:47 PM UTC-4, Ryguy wrote:
I don't post much but it does seem like Genome Compiler's alpha release is out. 

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