Re: [DIYbio] DIY Seattle Lab

I am just getting into DIY and I live on the west side of Washington.  Are you looking to collect money from all of your equipment?  There is a friend of mine looking at getting into DIY also but we don't have any stuff and we are pretty broke.  To make matters worse there isn't a hacker space that I know of in the state of washington.

On Jun 30, 2012 2:15 PM, "Jacob Avera" <> wrote:
HI I've got thousands of dollars in lab equipment I've built up. I would like to give it to someone in Seattle. I need to go take care of a relative. Mostly older Lab equipment but top of the line when new. Spec 20 Reflectometer, Fisher 13k fuge, stuff for PCR .
Gilson pipettors etc. plus a trunk(size) of glassware, a water distiller (needs a part from hardware store) ETC......

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