Re: [DIYbio] Re: Bacteria Lava-Lamp

Yeah cool.

What would really be awesome if one day you could cut out the erythromycin resistance. Then it would be a totally harmless strain of b.subtillis that just glows in the dark.

It could be a very effective model strain for beginner amateur biologists, because

a) it glows when active  thus it's very easy to see if it feels good or if it's dying.
b) B.S. is harmless, if no resistance is added, it stays harmless.
c) the glowing consumes a fair amount of energy, so it makes it even less pathogenic (lower grow rates)
d) You can't kill it by drying or  not feeding it. It makes spores and you will still after 50 years be able to strike them on new plates and they will grow again.

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