[DIYbio] Re: "Official" DIYbio community survey - part of Statistical Studies of Peer Production is on!

Some feedback for next time:

The Likert scale for the "How often do you use below mentioned communication methods" questions seems a bit screwy. For example, you don't have an option matching anything less frequent than once a month, which is especially relevant for the "Conferences and other bigger (international) events" part of the question. Those of us who actually do attend these events probably don't attend more DIYbio related ones than 2-3 a year.

Your software to save incomplete surveys has a bug! It broke because my name contains an apostrophe, so I couldn't get it to reload my almost-finished survey.

On Sunday, September 30, 2012 7:28:25 AM UTC-7, Jarkko (kyb3R) Moilanen wrote:

First of all my apologies for delaying this survey for some time. Nevertheless, here it is.

We (P2P researchers) are inviting you to participate on a survey on individuals and communities doing DIYbio: http://surveys.peerproduction.net/ls/index.php?sid=88161
The survey contains 29 questions, and typically it takes less than 10 minutes to complete. The survey is intended to give insights about DIYbio communities, and we hope that this will help in motivating you to take the time to participate!

The survey is a part of initiative for open source research on peer production (supported by the Peer to Peer Foundation, more info at http://surveys.peerproduction.net/). All of the (anonymised, of course!) data will be openly available on the survey site.
The questions have been prepared by Jarkko Moilanen with the help of DIYbio community and the results with their analysis will be published during 2012.

For further information and questions (or if you want to help with the survey or with peer to peer research more generally), contact jarkko { at } peerproduction.net

Jarkko (IRC nick: kyyberi),
PhD Candidate (University of Tampere)
Statistical Studies of Peer Production

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