[DIYbio] Re: I had idea on biospheres.

Now, starting with ice at around -160 deg K, .... or
am I the only one who's going to look up numbers and do arithmetic?

Have I ever said we should melt -160°C cold water? That's wastement of energy. On the poles it's too cold, too.
Show me the source that says there's no water ice at the equator. http://www.space.com/10704-mars-water-ice-equator.html
By the way, I assume there are underground caves (from volcanic origin) like on Earth (Mars is a terrestrial planet). There is much pressure and heat from Mars' interior. Water would be liquid there. Of course, one would have to drill several hunders of meters which still is utopical.

Get it from the Equator, where in summer you have moderate temperatures.

Don't get all the water you need on Mars, but recycle at 90-95% efficiency.  So you just to get 5-10% of the needed water.

As I have read, the shileding of the plutonium was quite exaggeraeted. And you have a reliable rocket.
In any case

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