Re: [DIYbio] Building an incubator, would like some opinions/help

On 01/04/2013 02:20 AM, Nathan McCorkle wrote:
> So I am thinking of using a glass jar with sterile water and a sonic fogger to add RH.
> Adding heat and stirring the air will be accomplished by a 120V 12A hair dryer. I think this MOSFET will work (the volts and amps
> are above what I need, but the power dissipation isn't)

You can give that FET short PWM pulses and keep the average power in its range, or
it will burn up.

Hair dryer fans seem fast and noisy for this app.

If you use a wimpy quiet computer fan and separately PWM control the hair dryer heater,
to slowly swirl air through the hair dryer and incubator, you could recycle the
heated air and it all would be stable.

Hair dryers are not intended to recycle their heated air, and will overtemp shutdown
if you do.

Better be swirling the 120VAC hair dryer air around the jar
and not the humid misted air water through the hair dryer...

> I am thinking two dampers (one-way air valves) with a small 100mm computer fan will be sufficient for reducing CO2 levels.

Don't have a picture of that... relative to the jar == ?

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