[DIYbio] Expanding diyBio to Philadelphia

I'm delighted to learn of the existence of diybio.  I'd like to be involved and do some of my own research.  I live in Philadelphia though, where I understand there are no facilities.  So I'm looking to establish some.  Is there anyone who'd care to advise/assist with that?  I have a modicum of wherewithal for such: I know some mainstream academics, people in established non-profits that might conceivably partner in such an effort, and I have a good deal of energy and time to devote to this.  But I lack a clear plan of action, and I'd like this to be connected to the movement at large.  Mostly I seek wisdom from those who have experience getting things going where they are, but I'd also like to hear from any locals who might want to help out.
Fred Kittelmann

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