[DIYbio] Last 4 days to apply to IndieBio Ireland!

Hi all, got my IndieBio hat on so please excuse the crosspost;

The closing date for applications to IndieBio Ireland is 14th March,
which is a mere 4 days away. So, I'd like to urge you all to
(re)consider making an application for this Summer in Ireland's greatest
city for three months of mentorship, biohacking, social excursions, and
$50k-$70k in startup funding.

Last year's teams collectively raised over $3M. This year, the initial
funding is $20k-$40k higher (sorry, SynbioAxlr8r teams..), so I'm
confident this will also be a roaring success.

Applications can be made:

- via F6S (using Facebook or LinkedIn accts):
- via Fundacity (using FB, LinkedIn or Twitter attcs):
- via the web-form:

Applications do *not* need to be polished or perfect, our most important
criteria are teams and ideas. If both look great, great! If one looks
good and the other lags, we can talk about how to pad that out. So don't
delay for the sake of perfection, or you will miss that deadline.

There are already some exciting DIY-ish people in the running for the
programme and I'm looking forward to pulling in an exciting group of
people for the Summer, so you're sure to have a good time and meet some
lasting friends. There's also a great line-up of mentors and some
exciting partnerships and items of specialised equipment (toys!) to
enjoy and learn from.

May I suggest that if you have an idea that needs a cofounder, or if you
lack and idea but would like to cofound, then reply to this thread on
the main DIYbio.org mailing list (the Google group!) with your "advert"
and we'll see how many fun pairings-up we can manage. :)

I am personally eager to see more female, LGBTQ and
age/ethnicity-diverse applicants; don't leave me hanging, here.


Scientific Director, IndieBio Irish Programme
Got a biology-inspired business idea that $50,000 -
& 3 months in a well equipped lab could accelerate?
Apply for the Summer programme in Ireland:
Twitter: @onetruecathal
Phone: +353876363185
miniLock: JjmYYngs7akLZUjkvFkuYdsZ3PyPHSZRBKNm6qTYKZfAM
peerio.com: cathalgarvey

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