[DIYbio] VIdeo and information from BioPrinting event at BUGSS

 A couple of Saturdays ago, we held what we call BioPrinting Breakout, an event where we attempt to open up 3-D tissue engineering to new audiences and applications. Hopefully tissue engineering can be used for all kinds of things besides medicine, perhaps becoming part of the toolbox of the popular makers.  Presentations were from 

Jon Rowley, RoosterBio  who is trying to scale human bone marrow and adipose mesenchymal stem cells for pricing and availability at levels attractive to the maker community,

Sebastian Cocioba, plant cell and tissue expert, frequent contributor to DIYbio

Axel Guenther, U Toronto, Dyson Prize winner, who has developed a way to make large-scaled microfluidic sheets for use as skin

David Kolesky, Lewis Research Group, Harvard U who carefully 3-D prints vascularized tissue

Ritu Raman, Bashir Research Group, U Illinois who builds 3-D printed muscle powered robots

Ryan Hoover, BUGSS/MICA who is developing artwork based on 3-D printed biologics.  He also had to present at the last minute for  Anderson Ta who fell ill.  Anderson works in the Miller Group at RIce University, a place that is trying to shake up the medical world with innovative 3-D print hackers.

Please enjoy videos of these presentations here: BioPrinting Breakout 2015 - YouTube

There were also demonstrations and workshops of cell culturing, algenate dispensation by Lye Lock, RoosterBio, and Lye Lin of Johns Hopkins U, 3-d printers in action from BioBots,and jimmi research  and lower cost fluorescent microscopy from Thermo Scientific. We did not take video of this.

This will be happening again, and we'll be asking for participants/ submissions (or whatever)  about the October time frame.  We'll also be posting developments in 3D bioprinting efforts at 3dbiofab.com. 

Finally, we learned that there is a FREE 3-D bioprinting workshop being offered by University of Toronto's  Connaught Summer Institute.  Consider going! You may event be able to get some help with travel money. 

Thank you also ETC Baltimore for the bandwidth and setup, the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development, our participants, MICA students and BUGSS members and staff who helped out, and the people who we called upon to help us promote.

Steve Stowell

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