Re: [DIYbio] Looking to hire DIY biologist to prepare bacteria samples that I can send out for proteomics

I agree with Dakota. Your best chance is to approach people in institutions around you. Just talking to them can be beneficial for you. They can point you towards more efficient approach or show gaps in your understanding. Even if they refuse cooperating you will be more prepared to do it yourself.

The reason why we are suggesting to approach an existing lab is because Borrelia burgdorferi is a Biosafety Level 2 (BSL-2) infectious agent. Meaning you have to have Biosafety Level 2 laboratory to safely work with this bacteria. Otherwise you not only breaking laws in many country but also putting at risk people around you. On the other hand BSL-2 labs are not rare in academia.

On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 8:55 PM Dakota Hamill <> wrote:
I don't know where you live, but you should look into local colleges or universities and see if there are any PI's there working on similar things.  If approached in the right way, and shown a decent proposal that looks like it's backed with scientific understanding and literature references, I've known some to being open to taking in research assistants.  You might even end up getting a stipend and the PI might pay for some research expenses.  Most importantly, you'd be in a properly equipped lab to do the things you're talking about.  

On Fri, Jan 15, 2016 at 8:40 PM, coolcash2004 <> wrote:
Would anyone be willing to help me order and prepare Borrelia bacteria samples?  We would need to order the samples and do subculture / antibiotic treatment to turn them into persister cells.  You would need to confirm that they have entered the persister state.  You would then prepare the samples to be sent out for proteomic profiling.  You would follow the existing process for subculture / antibiotic treatment to ensure that they have entered persister state (several studies have done this process and it is documented - the cells reach persister state in 10 days).  We would also be in contact with the research center doing the proteomics.  

Please let me know if you would be interested and name your price.  I am young (20s), broke, and working independently, so the cheaper the better.  I am trying to develop a cure for persister lyme disease.

Before beginning any work I am hoping to learn:

-How much would you charge to do this? 
-What would be the additional cost of the actual bacteria / etc that we would need to order?
-Is it possible to order human nerve tissue and grow subculture on that tissue?  If yes, how much more would this cost?   
-Is there a better way to do this?
-What information would you need from me before we start talking?  

I'm hoping to find someone that I could potentially work with in the future as well - someone who would be interested in providing guidance on the project as we progress would also be helpful.  



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