You guys should try Telegram. Open source and encrypted. File sharing on all platforms across all OSes. Seamless and gorgeous. WhatsApp can go take a hike!
Sebastian S. Cocioba
Sebastian S. Cocioba
CEO & Founder
New York Botanics, LLC
--Wikimedia is archaic technology. After being flooded by thousands of spam accounts and trying numerous dodgy plugins to fight it, I just shut down the registration. Sorry about that. There was also very little interest in posted content too. And now that it's almost 2016 I guess most people don't use wiki's anymore for sharing information. At our space it is mostly direct communication that is used, Github repo's, Slack, WhatsApp, that kind of communication. It's a pity though that those platforms are not always as open.
Wondering if wikis could get a revival if there was actually a good modern and more user-friendly alternative to Mediawiki available, which was also open source and that anyone could easily install and run on their own webpages (as with wordpress). It would be interesting to hear if anyone had any good experiences with other wiki- or wiki-like applications?
- Bue
On Saturday, 19 December 2015 17:55:56 UTC+1, Ilya Levantis wrote:Hi all,
At some point in the past, at some DIYBio meeting or other, it was mooted that a general biohacker's wiki would be useful.
Thus, I believe, was set up.
I have some content that I would like to put up there since it is content that would benefit from edits and additions from anyone involved in DIYBio.
Is a good place to put this and are there others that would like to add content to the site?
It currently seems a bit dead - presumably because the signup is broken and you never get sent the password for an account you create.
If whoever is in charge of the site is able to fix this, should the community start putting information up there about protocols, projects etc that is useful outside each particular space's own wiki or should we just be putting things on openwetware?
I say this because lots of useful information about particular DIY protocols, equipment, etc seems to be spread across the internet with very little effort at collation. I think collation in the form of a community wide wiki (i.e. could be a great asset, especially for those new to DIYBio.
Note: I'm not saying that everyone needs to use a centralised wiki for everything, but a page about different protocols for homemade/cheap growth media production which links to the various blog posts and instructables could be a valuable starting point for people.
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