This Sunday at the BioHack The Planet conference, we have some time set aside for discussion on how to build the DIYbio community: We'd love to enable people to participate remotely.
Any suggestions for how to implement? We could keep the livestream up on youtube, and provide a text chat for people to give their input. Or we can set up a Zoom connection or Google hangout...
Here are the topics we'll be covering this Sunday, 10am-2pm Pacific Standard Time:
How to set up a DIYbio lab
Come share tools, resources, advice, and first-hand experiences of setting up a community lab. We will discuss different business models, non-profit advice, laboratory and biosafety best practices and more.
How can we better collaborate between labs? Are there better communication platforms we could take advantage of? How do we safely exchange biological materials? How about building DIY Bionet hardware?
DIYbio funding opportunities
We will discuss and exchange funding ideas, anything from funding individual projects, to funding entire labs, to funding opportunities to develop the DIYbio community as a whole.
Bad things happen - are you prepared?
So far, the DIYbio community has been lucky in that no really bad incidents seem to have occurred. But bad things happen even to good people. Sooner or later some DIY lab will have an accident, or will get sued by someone, or will hit a PR nightmare - that's not a matter of IF but WHEN. When the shit hits the fan, is YOUR lab prepared to survive? Do you have allies in your immediate community who can be your advocates? Are you protected from legal liability? We will walk through two sample scenarios to help stimulate the discussion.
Let's plan for next year!
Did you like this format? Should we do things differently next year? Where should we hold next year's DIYbio meeting, and what format should it be? Unconference? A bunch of talking heads? A competition like iGEM? A multi-day hackathon? How can we get some travel sponsorship for attendees. Write an NSF travel grant? Find sponsorship?
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