-- I'm presently exploring the standards of sharing of protocols used across different bio labs. I haven't found a repository of protocols that is
data 'mining' ready. http://protocols.io comes the closest. Not much found on github either (though some have shared their lab protocols & opentrons
also has posted some)
I'd like to hear your opinion and comments about the present status of this area.
Has 'Autoprotocol' from Transcriptic established itself to be the way to communicate human protocols to machines? Are there alternatives ?
Is there a nice corpus to mine the protocols and come up with schemas/ontologies (a la http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/cs/research/cb/dss/exact/ - which is from 2008!)
Any info in MITs Biostream that later became Biocoder but nothing is there to be seen or heard about that on the internets? Besides from 2009 with this promising title "BioStream: a high-level programming language for biology protocols" - https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/diybio/g-o4sq75jY0
Wonder why so many promising things like this fizzle out without any further note. Such ontologies will clearly help accelerate machinizing biology and automation of routine procedures (also my interest)
Looking forward to your comments/approaches/suggestions!
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