[DIYbio] Re: Starting a DIYBio lab

As an additional question: how many people are typically active at a time in a DIYBio lab?  I'm curious about the space requirements - i.e. if you have a rather small lab big enough for 2-4 people to work in at a time how many could you expect to actually have in your local group given people's schedules will likely not overlap all that much.

On Tuesday, August 29, 2017 at 11:38:47 PM UTC-4, James Edwards wrote:
hello all

Just discovered this community through the BioCurious DIYBio Lab. I'm currently in talks with a variety of stakeholders about starting a DIYBio lab at an innovation space affiliated with a local university. I've had contact with a business incubator who indicated they could be willing to offer support or resources to help build the Bio Lab, but they requested that I contact other similar initiatives elsewhere around the world and that I ask some questions related to measuring the impact of the space. 

Could anyone in the community help me with this

What numbers typically use the community DIYBio Labs that you're involved with?

What's the typical mix of people who use it? Are people typically use the Lab professional scientists? Hobbyists? Novices? Science students? Artists? Tinkerers? 

Is there perceivable value generated by opening up a bio lab to a diverse, interdisciplinary group of people who specialize in different fields and domains? 

Have there been commercial spinoffs that have come out of collaborations in the DIYBio Labs?

Do people at the Lab contribute to participatory science projects or open access science publications? 

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