[DIYbio] Re: Mircoalgae innovations


here is the full explanation of the system in finnish, hope to have it soon also in english but also the finnish text is unfinished:



It is more detailed, than explained here. We will burn biomass for gas. It can be used directly, to support  burning in situ and as the system is closed atmopshere, we will separate the oxygen: from the microalgae and plants, to feed it in the burning process. The separation is done simply  the difference of the gases CO2 and O2 by gravity, special chambers we use as buffers to adjust the bonsai ecosystem balance.

The system include 3 reactors for three different temperature ranges.

So in the end, we can also handle computer scraps to have metals also separated.


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[DIYbio] Re: Genomics and Next Generation Sequencing course in Silicon Valley

I've been doing soe research on biosimilars and i would like to take this course.  Is there a gel electrophoresis available that's more than 48 base
pairs capacity.

On Wednesday, August 29, 2018 at 4:10:25 PM UTC-7, Abizar Lakdawalla wrote:
I will be teaching a 4 day course at UCSC Silicon Valley Extension (4 Saturdays) which is a deep dive into genomics, genetics, cell biology (on day 1), in depth explanation of the sequencing technologies available today - single molecule or ensemble sequencing (on day 2), research application of NGS such as targeted and whole genome sequencing, epigenomics, transcriptional analysis and protein nucleic acid interactions (day 3), and clinical applications of NGS from prenatal screening to early cancer detection, liquid biopsies to infectious disease monitoring (day 4).

This class in a labor-of-love for me and is distills  a decade+ experience in NGS while at Illumina, Thermo Fisher and other companies into a 4-day intensive. 

Great class if you are looking to join the many genomics companies such as Grail, Genomic Health, Foundation Medicine, Illumina, Roche, Thermo, Qiagen, etc.

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Re: [DIYbio] Re: Genomics and Next Generation Sequencing course in Silicon Valley

Yes they have compared whole genomes not only from existing apes but also from ancient humans (neanderthals, etc.) with modern humans. 
There has been quite a bit of focus on genes that are different from other apes to figure out what are "human" genes (http://science.sciencemag.org/content/360/6393/eaar6343). Also another interesting discovery is that RNA splice forms are quite different even though the gene is essentially the same (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28957512). We are still scratching the surface of genomics! Pretty exciting time!
BTW, percentages are not useful metrics when the numbers are large. For example, about 1-2% of our genome codes for proteins. So a metric such as 1% difference in chimps and humans does not mean much because that 1% difference may all be in coding genes - this is not true of course - but just to give you a sense of how numbers can mislead. Another example of percentages being misleading is anti-bacterial soaps etc that say that 99% of bacteria are eliminated. the amount of original bacteria may be 10e7. So if I have got rid of 99% I still have 1,000,000 bacteria remaining!

On Wed, Aug 29, 2018 at 5:51 PM Henri Lentonen <lentonen.henri@gmail.com> wrote:

have they compared more than 1% of human and chimpanzee DNA already?

Also I dont find anywhere, how many percent is chimp DNA already sequenced.

As here only 1.9 million base pairs was compared, it is about 0.06% of the whole genome. Why only so little can be compared?


Also this is noteworthy:

"98.6% sequence identity drops to only 86.7% taking into account the multiple insertions/deletions (indels) dispersed throughout the region. "


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[DIYbio] Re: Mircoalgae innovations

Hi Henri,

We are in the process of starting a company to produce algae in a closed PBR for animal feed in Scotland. We have some funding already and are happy to team up with people having similar ideas.

The ideas you list are quite numerous, complicated and each of them seems to need a lot of testing to be marketable. The link you provide is also only in Finnish and is mostly a collection of other links and therefore does not provide a clear idea of what you exactly want to accomplish.

Maybe we could pick out one of your ideas and talk through it? We have put a lot of thought into several of your proposed concepts already independently and we could share knowledge with you to shape your idea into something more manageable.

Let me know if you want to talk further and what your exact goals are if you do.

Best Wishes,

On Thursday, 30 August 2018 02:09:57 UTC+1, Henri Lentonen wrote:
Greetings from Finland.

I have a plan how to adapt microalgae into animal farming. Spirulina can be also used to fertilize plants, in addition that it is a good feed to the cows etc.

I can explain my inventions in short, why we can make new generation PBR with this knowledge.

First of all, the key point for microalgae farming is nutrients.

If we are to cash out the promise of green technology, nutrients cannot be chemically made but instead organic.

As far as I know, the biggest problem with organic nutrients for algae isnt microbiological safety, but the dark organic liquid nutrient will not allow the light to penetrate deep enough, to the algae medium.

For microbiological safety aspect, I have developed new kind of aerobic compost reactor which will exchange gases with the PBR. As the composting progress is adjusted with electronics, we can simple determine if the right microbes are working: just by seeing if the temperature will rise high enough.

The compost reactor separates the solids and liquid. The solids will be a part of another process in the system but the liquid can be used directly to the algae. Also heat will benefit the growth of algae and save some electricity by that.

Mines etc produce waste stones, which arent suitable for their company. There is many sand pits in Finland where these stones are gathered and are waste.

As we leach the iron etc. from the stones with vinegar, we can obtain the micronutrients for the algae. In couple of weeks, clear vinegar will turn red from random stones of those pits.

Someone would have to test the actual iron etc. contents of such stonevinegar.

As Spirulina is the most easy to grow in microalgae, we need to raise the  pH.

This is made by producing lye from example wood ash.

Wood ash is formed, since the system will produce its own electricity: with wood gas generator. Hemp hurds are most beneficial to use as they produce more cellulose, than forest, per year and are much easily obtained into burning material by both cost to nature and wallet.

As we most def will need more phosphorous, than normal biowaste/animal poo/hay produces in compost: there will be need for special stones for phosphorous.

For that we can use this method: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phosphate_rich_organic_manure

Now for the PBR.

Thin layer cascade reactors are the best. Since then we dont need to mind the mixing and the depth of the culture.

My invention here is, that we dont use a single cascade: but multiple, arranged geometrically.

Also, as TLCs are mostly used outdoors, we will grow indoors.

As we dont need to use commercially produced pressure CO2 it will make the growing much greener chemistry.

Since even 80% of the CO2 introduced to the algae will go into atmosphere, it is crucial to make closed loop system.

Thats why we exchange the gases with compost, which will use the O2 and produce CO2.

As buffer, we can simple adjust the air stream go once in a while through water and/or another container of lye, which will absorb gases to balance the amount in the loop.

One point is that we dont use monoculture. For humans, we would farm for example lactic acid bacteria, spirulina and b. subtilis. For fish food, we would use other kind of microbes and even zooplankton. For the fish, the reactor doesnt need to be PBR but better instead a pond, as the zooplankton itself will mix the algae liquid and exchange gases and zooplankton will not live under constant mixing very well as it is hard for it to eat if the liquid is moving all the time.

Also we would use other inventions made by other scientists. One which is to blink the LEDs in order to optimize the photosynthesis and prevent photoinhibition.

Another one is to use tiny magnets to produce more biomass. This will make more cost to the PBR but as neodyms are quite forever, it wouldnt be bad choice.

If you look at the studies of the subject, the amount of magnetism is very small so we dont need to many or big magnets, but too strong magnetic field will decrease the biomass.

So, here is some of the information in blog.

Here are all the study I have used in the project. Also in the start is some pictures of the project and my videos.

As I am just private person and dont want to commercialize, but more: to help dozens of algae company to start in Finland and northern countries overall, my best working companion therefore would be in the public sector.

My best choice is, that someone like you, would make these tests and prototypes professionally to decide if the system would work as planned.


As time bypass, I am afraid sooner or later, I will have to sell my ideology of open source publishing in case some corporation would fund the project.

Hope before that, public sector would come to co-operate so we can continue publish free.

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[DIYbio] Mircoalgae innovations

Greetings from Finland.

I have a plan how to adapt microalgae into animal farming. Spirulina can be also used to fertilize plants, in addition that it is a good feed to the cows etc.

I can explain my inventions in short, why we can make new generation PBR with this knowledge.

First of all, the key point for microalgae farming is nutrients.

If we are to cash out the promise of green technology, nutrients cannot be chemically made but instead organic.

As far as I know, the biggest problem with organic nutrients for algae isnt microbiological safety, but the dark organic liquid nutrient will not allow the light to penetrate deep enough, to the algae medium.

For microbiological safety aspect, I have developed new kind of aerobic compost reactor which will exchange gases with the PBR. As the composting progress is adjusted with electronics, we can simple determine if the right microbes are working: just by seeing if the temperature will rise high enough.

The compost reactor separates the solids and liquid. The solids will be a part of another process in the system but the liquid can be used directly to the algae. Also heat will benefit the growth of algae and save some electricity by that.

Mines etc produce waste stones, which arent suitable for their company. There is many sand pits in Finland where these stones are gathered and are waste.

As we leach the iron etc. from the stones with vinegar, we can obtain the micronutrients for the algae. In couple of weeks, clear vinegar will turn red from random stones of those pits.

Someone would have to test the actual iron etc. contents of such stonevinegar.

As Spirulina is the most easy to grow in microalgae, we need to raise the  pH.

This is made by producing lye from example wood ash.

Wood ash is formed, since the system will produce its own electricity: with wood gas generator. Hemp hurds are most beneficial to use as they produce more cellulose, than forest, per year and are much easily obtained into burning material by both cost to nature and wallet.

As we most def will need more phosphorous, than normal biowaste/animal poo/hay produces in compost: there will be need for special stones for phosphorous.

For that we can use this method: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phosphate_rich_organic_manure

Now for the PBR.

Thin layer cascade reactors are the best. Since then we dont need to mind the mixing and the depth of the culture.

My invention here is, that we dont use a single cascade: but multiple, arranged geometrically.

Also, as TLCs are mostly used outdoors, we will grow indoors.

As we dont need to use commercially produced pressure CO2 it will make the growing much greener chemistry.

Since even 80% of the CO2 introduced to the algae will go into atmosphere, it is crucial to make closed loop system.

Thats why we exchange the gases with compost, which will use the O2 and produce CO2.

As buffer, we can simple adjust the air stream go once in a while through water and/or another container of lye, which will absorb gases to balance the amount in the loop.

One point is that we dont use monoculture. For humans, we would farm for example lactic acid bacteria, spirulina and b. subtilis. For fish food, we would use other kind of microbes and even zooplankton. For the fish, the reactor doesnt need to be PBR but better instead a pond, as the zooplankton itself will mix the algae liquid and exchange gases and zooplankton will not live under constant mixing very well as it is hard for it to eat if the liquid is moving all the time.

Also we would use other inventions made by other scientists. One which is to blink the LEDs in order to optimize the photosynthesis and prevent photoinhibition.

Another one is to use tiny magnets to produce more biomass. This will make more cost to the PBR but as neodyms are quite forever, it wouldnt be bad choice.

If you look at the studies of the subject, the amount of magnetism is very small so we dont need to many or big magnets, but too strong magnetic field will decrease the biomass.

So, here is some of the information in blog.

Here are all the study I have used in the project. Also in the start is some pictures of the project and my videos.

As I am just private person and dont want to commercialize, but more: to help dozens of algae company to start in Finland and northern countries overall, my best working companion therefore would be in the public sector.

My best choice is, that someone like you, would make these tests and prototypes professionally to decide if the system would work as planned.


As time bypass, I am afraid sooner or later, I will have to sell my ideology of open source publishing in case some corporation would fund the project.

Hope before that, public sector would come to co-operate so we can continue publish free.

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[DIYbio] Re: Genomics and Next Generation Sequencing course in Silicon Valley


have they compared more than 1% of human and chimpanzee DNA already?

Also I dont find anywhere, how many percent is chimp DNA already sequenced.

As here only 1.9 million base pairs was compared, it is about 0.06% of the whole genome. Why only so little can be compared?


Also this is noteworthy:

"98.6% sequence identity drops to only 86.7% taking into account the multiple insertions/deletions (indels) dispersed throughout the region. "


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[DIYbio] Genomics and Next Generation Sequencing course in Silicon Valley

I will be teaching a 4 day course at UCSC Silicon Valley Extension (4 Saturdays) which is a deep dive into genomics, genetics, cell biology (on day 1), in depth explanation of the sequencing technologies available today - single molecule or ensemble sequencing (on day 2), research application of NGS such as targeted and whole genome sequencing, epigenomics, transcriptional analysis and protein nucleic acid interactions (day 3), and clinical applications of NGS from prenatal screening to early cancer detection, liquid biopsies to infectious disease monitoring (day 4).

This class in a labor-of-love for me and is distills  a decade+ experience in NGS while at Illumina, Thermo Fisher and other companies into a 4-day intensive. 

Great class if you are looking to join the many genomics companies such as Grail, Genomic Health, Foundation Medicine, Illumina, Roche, Thermo, Qiagen, etc.

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[DIYbio] Re: Travel fellowships for open source biology/bioinformatics

This is a really nice fellowship, too bad it's past Aug 15:) But you have the deadlines throughout the year, correct? 

On Friday, August 10, 2018 at 9:37:20 PM UTC+3, gedankenstuecke wrote:
Hey there, 
the Open Bioinformatics Information has a cool travel fellowship for which the deadline is approaching on the 15th of August (COI: I'm on the board). 

The fellowships of up to US $1,000 can be used for your travel to conferences related to open source and biology/bioinformatics and we're trying to give some focus on increasing diversity in the field. You can find more information about it here: https://github.com/OBF/obf-docs/blob/master/Travel_fellowships.md

If you have some event-related travel coming up this could be a good opportunity! 


mobile phone + 1 (510) 944-4298 🇺🇸
mobile phone +49 (176) 213 044 66 🇪🇺

While I may be sending this email outside my normal office hours, I have no expectation to receive a reply outside yours.

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[DIYbio] DIY microfluidics lectures and free workshops, Sep 28-30, Kyiv, Ukraine

Hi guys,

we're organizing single cell RNABIO & organoids (#scRNABIO) meeting on Sep 28-30 in Kyiv, Ukraine. It's dedicated to new emerging sequencing technique, which allows to measure genes activity in thousands of cells simultaneously and individually as opposed to the bulk sequencing, when you measure average gene expression per cell type/tissue. It has a lot of implications (especially when studying heterogeneous cancer tumors) and requires complex protocols, trained staff and expensive devices. But not always:) We will have two workshops connected to the topic to show that DIY approach can be applied even to fundamental research:
  • miniDrops workshop, 29-30 Sep: building open-source, low-cost microfluidics device for single-cell biology by William Stephenson, The Technology Innovation Lab, New York Genome Center, USA. It requires 3D printing, Raspberry PI skills, microfluidics knowledge (which deals with the behavior, precise control and manipulation of fluids) and a lot of patience, but it totally worth it!
  • DIY microfluidics, 30 Sep: working with OpenDrop device aimed to serve as a personal laboratory by Mirela Alistar, an Assist. Professor at the University of Colorado Boulder. Be ready to be experimented on!
The workshops are free to attend, but since the number of places are limited we expect applicants to submit a very short motivation, when registering: https://rnabio.space/register/

We will also have a talks day on Sep 28, where William will present his experience on single-cell multi-omics research using open microfluidic instrumentation, and Mirela will talk about personal biochips and her experience as a co-founder of several community biolabs.

More about the speakers you can find here - https://rnabio.space/speakers/

It will be awesome if more DIY enthusiasts can join us. If you have any questions I will be happy to answer.


Photo is courtesy of William Stephenson.

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Re: [DIYbio] Hacking CD/DVD/Blu-ray for Biosensing

Hi Nathan,

     My application for laser cutting is done manually by turning the linear stage. But I believe you can find some useful resources here:

     Here is a company use Arduino for AFM application, you can find their open source control software:



Nathan McCorkle <nmz787@gmail.com> 於 2018年8月29日 週三 上午3:08寫道:
On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 1:17 PM Edwin Hwu <whoand@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>     There are also some softwres can read the error correction codes on the disc:
> https://cdn-pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acssensors.8b00340

Hi Dr. Hwu,
Have you released any code online that we could use?

I have been interested in controlling stock BLU-RAY drives to perform
lithography for microfluidics (aside from the analytic capabilities as
you've demonstrated)... i.e. just insert a disc with photoresist, and
"burn" an image... not unlike LightScribe or maybe this method of
arranging an ISO file to be burned and result in an image in the CD

The review and electronic schematics are great! Thanks a lot!


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Re: [DIYbio] Hacking CD/DVD/Blu-ray for Biosensing

On Tue, Aug 28, 2018 at 1:17 PM Edwin Hwu <whoand@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> There are also some softwres can read the error correction codes on the disc:
> https://cdn-pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acssensors.8b00340

Hi Dr. Hwu,
Have you released any code online that we could use?

I have been interested in controlling stock BLU-RAY drives to perform
lithography for microfluidics (aside from the analytic capabilities as
you've demonstrated)... i.e. just insert a disc with photoresist, and
"burn" an image... not unlike LightScribe or maybe this method of
arranging an ISO file to be burned and result in an image in the CD

The review and electronic schematics are great! Thanks a lot!


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Re: [DIYbio] Hacking CD/DVD/Blu-ray for Biosensing


    There are also some softwres can read the error correction codes on the disc:

Nathan McCorkle於 2018年8月16日星期四 UTC+2下午10時45分04秒寫道:
I've got a laser controller from this project:

the amount of (now) cheap tech embedded in some everyday objects is
truly amazing.

also another software to investigate manual control of optical disc drives is:
On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 6:39 AM Markos <mar...@c2o.pro.br> wrote:
> Hi,
> Interesting paper:
> Hacking CD/DVD/Blu-ray for Biosensing
> Edwin En-Te Hwu* and Anja Boisen
> Center for Intelligent Drug Delivery and Sensing Using Microcontainers and Nanomechanics (IDUN), Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby 2800, Denmark
> https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acssensors.8b00340
> https://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1021/acssensors.8b00340
> Triple-wavelength OPU controller circuit designs:
> http://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/acssensors.8b00340/suppl_file/se8b00340_si_001.pdf
> MP4 Video
> https://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/acssensors.8b00340/suppl_file/se8b00340_liveslides.mp4
> Supporting Information
> https://pubs.acs.org/doi/suppl/10.1021/acssensors.8b00340/suppl_file/se8b00340_si_001.pdf
> --
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[DIYbio] Re: Hacking CD/DVD/Blu-ray for Biosensing

Welcome! I hope this review article can help more people :)

Markos於 2018年8月16日星期四 UTC+2下午3時39分09秒寫道:


Interesting paper:

Hacking CD/DVD/Blu-ray for Biosensing

Center for Intelligent Drug Delivery and Sensing Using Microcontainers and Nanomechanics (IDUN), Department of Micro- and Nanotechnology, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby 2800, Denmark




Triple-wavelength OPU controller circuit designs:


MP4 Video


Supporting Information


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[DIYbio] SymbioticA Talk: The Op-Shop Aesthetic: Tissue Culture, and the Art of the Scrounge

Greetings all.

The link is to a talk I gave to SymbioticA at the University of Western Australia in August, 2018.

It describes a personal philosophy and ethos for biohacking, and goes on to show some of the projects that I, my students, and our local Perth DIYBIO group have done at various stages. I hope it is of some interest. Apologies if it is a bit rough around the edges - you see only what my phone saw. (On another note, I'd encourage all community groups to do this as mostly your members can't attend such events).

The Op-Shop Aesthetic: Tissue Culture, and the Art of the Scrounge


To be human is to create and interact with tools and toys, knowledge systems and symbolism. We frequently look at the artifacts of the knowledge systems of other cultures such as the churingas of the central desert peoples and admire their beauty as art. Yet these are functional, and are used to encode sacred knowledge. Our objects are rich with possibilities, not only those their makers intended for them. They can in their own ways become portals to knowledge, in the hands of the amateur scientist.

We at the start of the 21st century are surrounded by objects that have both a daily usage and a hidden and parallel potential.

Op shops are filled with the relics of past years fashions, not just in clothes but in consumerism. They represent a vertical slice across time that lets us view one of the greatest of our societies abilities, the production of stuff. To the (self) initiated amateur scientist, worlds of possibilities exist in such places, and objects become a link between their intended daily use and a second chance as part of a home lab.

In this talk, I will briefly describe my hunts through such places for materials to make vacuum pumps, gas chromatography instruments and Geiger counters, before I delve in depth into my current project, which is to make a plant tissue culture lab available for schools and hobbyists.

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[DIYbio] Helicase-dependent amplification is an isothermal alternative to PCR?

HDA (helicase-dependent amplification) runs at the same temperature, eliminating the need for the thermocycler. But the question remains, could it replace PCR for DNA amplification?

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[DIYbio] Re: Starting a DIYbio club in Northwest Indiana

There are 2 diybio clubs currently in Chicagoland, www.bioblaze.org and chitownbio.org that you can check. Let me know if you have trouble getting in contact. 

On Friday, August 24, 2018 at 12:08:07 PM UTC-5, Donavan Barrier wrote:

My name is Donavan Barrier. I am looking for fellow DIYbio enthusiasts to start a club in Northwest Indiana. Though I have a minor understanding of DIYbio I wish to learn more. I'm looking for people in the NWI and Chicagoland area to meet up one day and start a club. Anybody interested please e-mail me or leave a comment and we can discuss it further.

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[DIYbio] Starting a DIYbio club in Northwest Indiana


My name is Donavan Barrier. I am looking for fellow DIYbio enthusiasts to start a club in Northwest Indiana. Though I have a minor understanding of DIYbio I wish to learn more. I'm looking for people in the NWI and Chicagoland area to meet up one day and start a club. Anybody interested please e-mail me or leave a comment and we can discuss it further.

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Re: [DIYbio] Biohacking in the world society

You might want to check the publication NEO.LIFE on Medium, and look up Pelling Labs (Andrew Pelling did a TED talk on biohacking).

Good luck,
Seth Donnelley

On Fri, Aug 24, 2018, 10:53 AM Mirela Rujović <mirela.rujovic00@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello everyone,

I'm doing an extended project in school on biohacking and I really got into it myself and I'm trying to get closer to the real experiences so I can get a true idea of what it is and how should I present it in my project. However, it is hard to find proper sources, as many people who are actually not involved in diy biology tend to comment on it.
So, I am asking for your help, if you have a blog or web location where you post about diy biology or if you would like to share your experience with me, I would really appreciate it as a good source of information, and if you would give me permission, I'd mention it in my project with full credit and reference to the author.

Thank you in advance,


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[DIYbio] Biohacking in the world society

Hello everyone,

I'm doing an extended project in school on biohacking and I really got into it myself and I'm trying to get closer to the real experiences so I can get a true idea of what it is and how should I present it in my project. However, it is hard to find proper sources, as many people who are actually not involved in diy biology tend to comment on it.
So, I am asking for your help, if you have a blog or web location where you post about diy biology or if you would like to share your experience with me, I would really appreciate it as a good source of information, and if you would give me permission, I'd mention it in my project with full credit and reference to the author.

Thank you in advance,


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Re: [DIYbio] i want to make 256 base length gel electrophoresis

Fuck your deadline. Someone bring back God-bot.


On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 4:26 AM Cory J. Geesaman <cory@geesaman.com> wrote:
Just rebrand it the Schizobot 5001 and ship it to production, we have deadlines to meet.

On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 9:04:49 PM UTC-4, Nathan McCorkle wrote:

On Thu, Aug 16, 2018, 10:06 AM Cathal Garvey <cathal...@cathalgarvey.me> wrote:
Based on the other thoroughly minced god-artist post this looks like a very unhealthy markov chain spambot. :)

With some work it could be an ideabot.

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Re: [DIYbio] i want to make 256 base length gel electrophoresis

Just rebrand it the Schizobot 5001 and ship it to production, we have deadlines to meet.

On Thursday, August 16, 2018 at 9:04:49 PM UTC-4, Nathan McCorkle wrote:

On Thu, Aug 16, 2018, 10:06 AM Cathal Garvey <cathal...@cathalgarvey.me> wrote:
Based on the other thoroughly minced god-artist post this looks like a very unhealthy markov chain spambot. :)

With some work it could be an ideabot.

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