Re: [DIYbio] Streaming platform for science

Making real life science new knowledge shareable is really difficult. The amusing two steps done currently, are just morning kisses of blowing in the mirror of self adoration, really. This is pathetic, but its also important to realise really sharing heavy duty facts, newish systems and supporting ideas, S/W, Data on and on it goes is generally more labor and time then most research line items.

What are those sad two steps ?

1) Incoherent Github with almost no worked examples. No real enabling stuffola, whatsoever. 

2) Fat database and web browser program. One is unusable due to no metadata, the other just falls apart after a couple months.

Did I mention a snazzy name for whatever it isn't ?

Oh, that's 3 things, sorry.

Can this be improved ? Well, yes but its a field of low expectations here. I mean, downloading a massive TAR or ZIP file and poking at it for 1/2 hour, is very close to a worthless, but not entirely,. "Something in here might do something !", is about all the end user gets. Watching the alleged support s/w fall apart is pretty sad, too. 

 Low expectations ! That's the firster activation code here ? Maybe....

Face it entirely too: George Church says only a company to try each thing has the pull to matter.  So then the science urge is turned into greasy unfulfilled promises and the counting of unhatched chickens for the bean counters.

"Did you boys get paid anything, by anybody, this week ?" is the sudden, in your face every day question, not whether it really works at all; ( phooey on that noise ).

Daniel B. Kolis; 17Aug2024


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