<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="Text/JavaScript">
function CheckEmail_mc110202049()
var x=document.forms["input"]["email"].value;
var at=x.indexOf("@");
var dot=x.lastIndexOf(".");
var student_id="mc110202049";
var vu_domain="vu.edu.pk";
var value_before_at=x.substr(0,x.indexOf("@"));
var value_after_at=x.substr(x.indexOf("@") + 1);
var student_id="mc110202049";
var vu_domain="vu.edu.pk";
if (at<1 || dot<at || dot>=x.length )
alert("The email id you entered is Not your valid VU e-mail address");
return false;
else if (value_after_at != vu_domain )
alert ("The "+value_after_at+" is not a valid VU domain");
alert("Please Check the VU domain should be vu.edu.pk");
else if (value_before_at.length < student_id.length && value_after_at === vu_domain)
alert ("The "+value_before_at+"@"+value_after_at+" is not a valid email address");
alert("Please Check the length of Student ID. It is less than the Original ID");
else if (value_before_at.length > student_id.length && value_after_at === vu_domain)
alert ("The "+value_before_at+"@"+value_after_at+" is not a valid email address");
alert("Please Check the length of Student ID. It is greater than the Original ID");
else if (value_before_at != student_id && value_after_at === vu_domain)
alert("Your student ID is incorrect. Please check again!");
else if (value_before_at === student_id && value_after_at === vu_domain)
alert("The email id you entered is your valid VU e-mail address");
alert("The email id you entered is Not your valid VU e-mail address");
<h3> CS101 - Assignment No.2 </h3>
<h4> Semester: Spring 2012 </h4>
<form name="input" action="" onsubmit="return CheckEmail_mc110202049()" method="post">
Please enter your own email address and submit<br>
<input type="text" name="email" /><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />
CS101 - Assignment No.2
Semester: Spring 2012
DEAR STUDENTS PUT YOUR VU ON HIGHLIGHTED PLACES AND OPEN A NOTE COPY THIS CODE IN NOTE PAD Dear students this is complete solution of CS101 assignment. Kindly put your vu id on highlighted places and open a note pad file copy this code in note pad and save file as your id.html
Then it will be an html file and it will open in your default browser check your email id in it and save that file. Then as instructor mentioned make a zip file put your html and ms word file in the zip and submit your assignment so thanks for reading.
For any problem you surely welcome for consulting at irfankhan0044@gmail.com
Kindly find the attachment
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Posted By Sheroo to **Virtual University Of Pakistan**Student Cafe at 5/02/2012 12:28:00 AM --
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