Hello all. Asking for some troubleshooting help, DIY Analytical chemistry, close enough for DIYBio as I'm at my wits end messing with cables and baud rates.
-- Stringing together an HPLC system and could type out a story or attach my sweet MS Paint diagram of how things are connected, but the real question is, what would cause a machine to respond with gibberish characters when asked it's name in a command line as seen in the picture below?
GSIOC may be Gilson's own serial communication setup, and I know next to nothing about coding etc.
However when I ping the liquid handler or the UV/Vis machine with a "%" command, it returns the modules name and software version number, when I ping the HPLC Pumps with the same command, it returns a different array of gibberish characters each time, or an #error.
I've set baud rates on everything to 19200 which it's defaulted to, or Externally set on the HPLC pumps, no difference.
Perhaps a long shot but didn't know if people that new older serial port machines knew if random giberish was coming up, it's just a bad baud rate somewhere along the line, or something might be out of order.
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