Re: [DIYbio] Re: Ultra-Cheap DNA Printing/Sequencing

On 02/25/2014 03:27 PM, Nathan McCorkle wrote:
> Luckily I made friends with a guy who has a FIB and underused microfab capable wet lab... So things are almost in place for me to
> make so leaping progress in the coming months.
Wow! For the rest of you, FIB means focused ion beam, which lets you blast away interconnect metal
in a silicon chip surface if you have it exposed and in the FIB mill vacuum chamber. That lets you
tweak things at low costs compared to new masks for chip fabbing. It might also let you carve
some increased opening in a glass or silicon channel used for microfluidics, but probably
not much use for one that is under glass, (complete and covered), only for ones that are half made.

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