Re: [DIYbio] Microcontrollers

Oh, that's clever. :) Is there any specific reason this wasn't in the
board design though? Blows up some USB devices, perhaps?

On 02/10/12 02:11, Simon Quellen Field wrote:
> People who want more power from their Raspberry Pi (and don't want
> to include a powered hub in their project for some reason) have simply
> been soldering a wire from the +5 volt input power jack to the +5 volt
> USB output connector. This bypasses two poly fuses on the board, and
> allows the USB device to draw all the power it needs from the Pi's power
> supply directly.
> -----
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> On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 2:11 PM, Cathal Garvey <>wrote:
>> Small nitpick; gas sensors tend to draw a lot of power, and it's
>> challenging to get even enough power to drive modest USB equipment from
>> a RPi without a separate power hub. That's one nice feature of Arduino;
>> a really wide input voltage band, and the potential to draw larger
>> ampages straight from the voltage regulator than would otherwise be
>> avaialble on the pins.
>> Having said that, I'm not sure even the arduino can supply enough power
>> for some of the more popular gas sensors like those used in alcohol
>> breathalysers. It may or may not apply to your CO2 project.
>> On 27/09/12 20:46, Tristan Eversole wrote:
>>> The critical point, which I had not realized before Simon replied, is
>> that my choice of microcontroller does not strongly constrain my choice of
>> sensors. If it did, that would be a powerful argument in favor of the
>> Arduino: I can type "arduino carbon dioxide sensor" into Google, and bang,
>> there's one on eBay. (
>> However, if it's not that hard to connect the aforementioned carbon
>> dioxide sensor (for example) to a Launchpad or a Raspberry Pi or a
>> Propellor, then the choice of microcontroller is no longer any sort of huge
>> limiting design decision-- particularly because the microcontroller is
>> going to be quite cheap relative to the tank, the sensors, the
>> refrigeration system, and the brachiopods themselves.
>>> So I really owe you guys for pointing this out.
>>> --T.
>>> On Sep 27, 2012, at 12:09 AM, Patrik D'haeseleer wrote:
>>>> On Wednesday, September 26, 2012 4:26:32 PM UTC-7, John Griessen wrote:
>>>> Taking all you've said about your own experience level, this is
>> sounding the most
>>>> results-getting direction yet. Does the bioboard have cost levels you
>> can fit to your want?
>>>> Actually, the BioBoard *is* an Arduino platform. And it is far from a
>> well-developed product - it's a couple of people at Noisebridge hacking
>> some sensors. Really cool work though - they were building their own pH and
>> DO probes.
>>>> Given Tristan's lack of experience with Linux, OS's, programming, and
>> electronics, I still think the fastest way to get him up and running would
>> be Arduino. He'll have his hands plenty full setting up the aquarium,
>> rigging the sensors, etc.
>>>> I'd say get to the point where you can collect all the data you need on
>> an SD card, and switch some relays on an Arduino. Pretty much everything
>> you've learned up to that point will translate over directly if you do
>> decide to move to a RasPi platform.
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