[DIYbio] Remote design and execution of diy bio experiments

Hey, all!

I am thinking about bio cloud laboratory[1] targeted on the do-it-yourself bio community, a bit naive, but anyway I am curious what you think about it.
I would appreciate it if you share with me your concerns.

Also, I have prepared some questions, which might help me orient the idea in a proper direction. Pick one if you have a good mood :)
  1. What is the biggest risk why it will not work from your point of view?
  2. What is the biggest frustration/problem you have in DIY bio? Why it is a problem?
  3. Is hands-on experience is essential for you, or you are more motivated by seeing the end result?
  4. Have you been in a situation when you didn't have the required equipment/reagents and weren't able to buy it? Which one?
  5. What were the first one/two experiments you did?
  6. (optional) How much do you spend on DIY per year? Sorry for such a personal question, I am asking because such a project might require heavy investments, and I somehow need to calculate the market and stuff.

[1] Biology cloud laboratory - is an automated physical laboratory, which has access to it over the browser user interface, where you could design and execute the biological experiment remotely, and receive/see a resulting data over user interface or ask for resulting material to be shipped to your home. Examples include Emerald Cloud Lab, Transcriptic, and others, but as far as I am aware they are targeted on the pharmaceutical market. I tried to get access to their user interface, but they haven't replied : (

Thank you, and have a good day/night!

P.S. I am literally the first day here, so my apology if that was already discussed, or I violated some community rule.

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