Re: [DIYbio] Ideal Biogas Harvesting Septic System?

Hi Cory,  here is a video I found

On Feb 2, 2022, at 2:37 PM, Cory J. Geesaman <> wrote:

Also, different designs for different scales would be welcome - my actual scale is a 4-family home, a few apartments, and a couple of businesses - probably the equivalent of about 20 people in annual poop production, but I'd like it to scale with additional input chutes as well because one of the businesses is a farm and there's plenty of animal waste I could toss into the system as well.  I might go at the scaling issue via separate house/apt systems and farm systems though, because I assume the nutrient balances will be somewhat different between the two, but would like the output to just be methane gas to feed a generator and fertilizer.

On Wednesday, February 2, 2022 at 2:31:07 PM UTC-5 Cory J. Geesaman wrote:
I've read that a family of 4 produce enough methane waste in their septic system to yield about 40% of their home energy needs and would like to build a home system for this purpose.  Does anyone have any good research/sources on designs for methane/biogas-harvesting septic systems?  I'm assuming it's not as simple as using an air-tight tank and pumping off the gas from a storage bladder attached to it after drying - that the geometry of the tank and  the layout of various digesters/tanks would play a big role in actually reaching that 40%-of-total-energy-use quota worth of methane production and harvest.  Are there specific nutrients that should be monitored and potentially supplemented to maintain the optimal biogas generation rate for a given volume of mass?  Dwell times in gas-harvesting chamber(s) prior to moving on to subsequent stages in the septic system (such as waste storage for removal?)  Does it need a giant poop blender inside to keep it liquefied and churning around, or is a continuous-flow design possible to achieve the same efficiencies?  Any help answering these questions would be appreciated, and I'll post photos+data when I actually build the thing.

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