Re: [DIYbio] Electronic and other old fashioned lab notebooks in and out of formal settings

Thanks Dakota,

seems a product with a vast heap of features. 

I think I will lean into Jupyter as the log subsystem with a way to add notes without struggle. How uncertainty is absorbed into notes is the central issue to me I think. My stuff expects the worker to be reasonably distracted and will try to absorb cause and effect of searches and genomic operations without any attention by the worker. 
Since this product takes lot fo file 'formats' I think the minimal exports I plan or have implemented will enable the motovated worker to use this well.

I can't quite visualize how educational institutions  andor 'other' ones look at costs, both instantaneously and ongoing. Any of the costs seem to be justifiable in the technical sense. but the cost per se is coupled to the commitment to really rely on it nearly indefinitely, really.

Im not yet ready to think this out but one Idea I have entertained is a sale of a few TerrByte HD which shows up completely ram jammed full of genomic data and search tools and any number of users can use it. for a one time cost, just the HD which is a linux system ready to plop into any computer.

The point is to avoid external DB for many things, for a few reasons like avoiding sneak peeks by other companies, speed, etc.

Paying people to think for infrastructure is expensive and delays ridden, the notion might be the variable facts are stored on a different system entirely. then periodically the entire system is replaced, some weekend in/out and the newer features and db are all there with no excuses, no installs, no new learning curve required, at all.  Notebooks are a small but important part of the offering(s).

Daniel B. Kolis
my ref: chW27a 27 Oct 2022

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